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Holiday Help

This is supposed to by the happiest time of the year, but I think we have all experienced the feelings of being a bit stressed trying to get all the gifts taken care of, parties organized, cards done and kids activities taken care of in a very short amount of time. This year was a little different for me as usually my parents come from Wisconsin to visit, but they decided to stay home during the holidays this year. This meant I had to be on the ball and get the gifts done and ready to be shipped by early December. No time for procrastination at all.

Here are a few tips that have helped me this season:

  1. I started shopping in the summer for gifts. My goal was to get everyone items that were Made in Colorado. I went to the Farmer’s Markets and had fun finding great things for my family.

  2. I put together a plan as to what type of gift I wanted for each family member that way I wouldn’t rush around at the last minute wondering what to get my brother in law (who is impossible to buy for, so lucky him he gets Colorado made jerky!) I put together the dates when I needed to have everything to be able to ship it on time. Now all I have to do is dig out my wrapping paper and put it all together for shipping.

  3. I like to do little things for my neighbors, friends and the postman every year. This year my son and I decided to make homemade chocolate dipped pretzels. We started this project after Thanksgiving and then froze them. Now we can pull them out, decorate them in cute bags and hand them out to everyone without being rushed.

This planning and organizing really has made a difference in my stress levels. I feel confident that all is “good enough” and doesn’t need to be perfect.

What is your tip for keeping your stress levels down for the holidays?

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