Being Too Busy Isn’t Love
Sadly, being busy has been seen as a badge of honor and has become an indication of self-worth. Unfortunately, over booking your schedule...
New Year’s Goals Reset
How are your New Year’s resolutions, goals or intentions holding up? Did you start full throttle and then puttered out somewhere...
Embracing Your Disappointments
When a new year starts, I take time to think back to my past year and write down my disappointing moments. It may seem odd, strange or...
December 2021 Managing Stress During the Holidays
This is supposed to by the happiest time of the year, but I think we have all experienced the feeling of being a bit stressed trying to...
November 2021 How Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Are you looking for more happiness in your life? Do you need better sleep and a boosted immunity? Do you strive for more productivity and...
What do you think about when you hear the word abundance? Do you think of money? Most people do, but what about abundance in emotional...
September Blogs Self-Care Month
What does self-care mean to you? Does it seem to elude you? Do you feel selfish for doing it or even thinking about doing it? Self-care...
August Blogs Week 3: Connection with Neighbors
Growing up in rural Wisconsin, in a small town, we knew all our neighbors and always supported each other. We would have weekly...
August Blogs Week 2: Connection with Doctors and Caregivers
This month I am going over why our connections are important to our stress management. This week, I am going to cover the connection you...
August 2021 Connection for Stress Management
Did you know that the National Girlfriends Day is in August? Do you often realize that when you are stressed you reach out to a friend or...